Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Be Happy and Vibrant, EVERY day!

Many people I talk with and see every day seem to go up and down with just the smallest set-backs, becoming despondent or depressed and hopeless. Well here I am going to outline some tips for living happily, healthily, positively, and just a great deal BETTER every single day, no matter what lies ahead!

1. You ARE what you eat (and drink)!!

The first tip, and it is always where I start, is to look at what you eat! What you choose to allow your body to use as nourishment will have a big impact on your overall mood, outlook, and disposition. Firstly, simple carbohydrates and sugars wreak havoc on our hormones and our bodies. Back when I was not into nutrition, I would consume mostly simple carbs or animal proteins, but no fruits or vegetables, which contain trace minerals, vitamins, and enzymes to allow your body to produce the feel-good chemicals that define our better days! Subsisting on sub-par foods will result in mood-swings, short tempers, irritability, and just a general feeling of malaise and lethargy.

Start by replacing candy bars and starchy snacks little by little with naturally sweet alternatives like strawberries, peaches, pears, etc. Also, try to get more raw veggies and greens into your diet, this is easy to do using salads, green smoothies, etc. By making these changes, you will see improved mood, more energy, and more enthusiasm towards work, studies, and everything else! It also will bring you more clarity of thought, and noticeable stress reduction.

2. Positive thinking does more than you think!

If you are overly cynical, or find yourself thinking in pessimistic ways, this will indeed have an effect on how you actually feel! Time and time again, people find that taking the time and effort to introduce positive thinking patterns and positive affirmations has a dramatic increase on your mood and positive outlook! Some examples of good positive affirmations are:

- "I love and accept myself just as I am."
- "I am creating my amazing, ideal life."

Affirmations such as these express a positive thought, and are stated in the present tense, which insures that your subconscious will make use of these positive statements, and you will start to believe them. When you believe something, you will STRIVE to MAKE it happen in your own life, this is very powerful! Any positive affirmations can be constructed to suit your current situation...an example is:

-"Success comes to me easily."

It is a good idea to personalize your affirmations, so that they *resonate* with you -- feel right for you. The stronger your connection with the affirmation, the deeper the impression it will have on your subconscious mind, and the sooner you will experience positive results.

Once you have a list (however big or small) of affirmations that you can relate to, it is very beneficial to write each one on a post-it note and stick it where you will see it every morning, and/or night. Some good places are on the bathroom mirror, near your computer screen, on the fridge, etc etc. Seeing the affirmations every day amplifies the impact on your patterns of thought, turning them positive.

3. Helping others, helps yourself! Really!

Every day, strive to do at least one thing that will make someone else's life easier, happier, more bubbly. This can be anything from thanking someone humbly who is not used to appreciation (Thanking the mailman for the job he/she does as your parcel is delivered, thanking the waitress for her excellent service, etc), to complimenting on someones attire if they seem to be down in the dumps. This will lift both of your moods, make you feel better about yourself, and make both of your days that much brighter. You will be surprised at the results this will produce!

4. Being grateful will humble and lift you!

Every day, you should list a few things and people whom you are truly thankful for. You will find that you are in a much more optimistic mood after you have spent a few minutes contemplating the blessings and joys in your life and feeling thankful for them. Compassion and kindness will fill your heart!

Applying even just a few of these techniques listed above will soon put you in a truly positive, compassionate mind-state, which will uplift you and all those around you! I invite you to try some of these tips, and please post here on this blog, or even email me at sgrequest[at]gmail.com to tell me the positive effect it has had on your life. Thanks for reading!